This morning I posted a video on Facebook sharing that I created a homemade eggnog. However the nog I have created has no egg in it at all. In fact, the ingredients are not very reminiscent of traditional eggnog at all, which is laden with dairy and sugar; this recipe has neither. What?!
Growing up I LOVED eggnog. My parents can attest. My childhood memories of the Christmas season are laced together with glasses of eggnog. I would literally drink it as fast as my mom would buy it. I even decided since I thought eggnog was the best thing since sliced bread Santa would too, so scoot over milk, eggnog's coming to town and Santa's getting a glass with his cookies.

Fast forward to present day ---------> (the fast forward arrow) I no longer consume any dairy products and I keep sugar at bay as well. I can't remember the last time I had traditional (store bought) eggnog. I have probably tried every non dairy "nog" on the market and some are truly just a sad excuse, while others are tasty and definitely take me back to some happy memories. But NONE of the store bought nogs are healthy. They are full of sugar and who knows exactly what. So what did this mean to me? That it was time to make my own nog out of whole food plant-based ingredients.

Now I'm going to go ahead and brag just a tad, are you ready? You've been been warned! I think this is the best non dairy, non egg NOG that I have ever had. I'm sure it helps that I haven't had the "real" thing in years. But folks I'm here to tell you that this is now MY REAL eggnog and I know it will forever bring me back to those favorite memories of anticipation of eggnog season, while at the same time filling me with a nourishing treat. I hope those who try it enjoy it as much as I am, and that it brings you good tidings and merry memories this Christmas season!

Holiday Nog
Makes About: 7 cups
4 cups unsweetened almond milk (or other non dairy milk)
1 cup raw cashews
8-12 dates, pitted
1 ripe (speckled) banana (peeled and frozen works great)
1 teaspoon cinnamon
3/4 teaspoon nutmeg
1/2 teaspoon turmeric
I highly recommend using a high-powered blender such as Vitamix if you can. If you don't it will help you greatly to pre-soak your cashews and dates before blending. To do this simply place in separate bowls and cover with water to sit overnight. If you are trying to make this in a hurry pour boiling water over each separately and soak for about 20 minutes or as long as you can.
Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until completely smooth. If you do not have a Vitamix, or equivalent, add the milk first and slowly add the other ingredients while letting the machine process some before each addition. You will need to run your blender longer and have more patience, but as they say, "slow and steady wins the race."
Pour contents from blender into a pitcher or a couple mason jars to store in the fridge. I have yet to test how long it will stay good because it has yet to last more than a couple days in our house. I'd imagine it will remain fresh for 5-7 days.